Saturday, May 30, 2015

It's Like I Actually Do This Now's crappenin', movie peoples? I hope you have all seen Mad Max: Fury Road by now. Have, or have not, you should head over to, and read my semi-weekly column on two WB Archives films I chose to honor George Miller's incredible new film!

Clicking on that lovely banner will take you there like Mavis Staples!

That's all for new reading at the moment, but if you haven't read my critical series on MAD MAX over at Slaughtertime, or my review of the new film, go there now!
That site just started making some money, so I can officially call myself a professional film critic! It's not enough to pay all the bills, but it could be, and soon. So, thanks for all your clicks, and please continue clicking, reading, liking, and sharing, because my dream is suddenly visible, but looks an awful lot like the ol' carrot eternally hanging just out of reach.

Thanks so much for your support: Past, Present, and Future!

Movie on!


Saturday, May 16, 2015


Click that wonderful poster to read about the most important movie of the summer... possibly of the year.