Friday, June 26, 2015

The UCM is reviewing all over the place - all up in ya face

Hey everysomebody! I have been hard at work for my lovely internet homes and not posted here in some time. So, check out what I've got out there in world. It's here. It's there. It's everywhere.

At Cinapse, I have The Archivist from a few weeks back, on giant monster movies because the terrible Jurassic World was steadily approaching theaters.

Also, a review of the terrible Jurassic World at Slaughtertime:

While you're at it, check out my enthusiastic review of PIXAR's new movie, then check out the movie, itself.

I have also reviewed SPY for Slaughtertime, and I have a review of a new movie called THE STRONGEST MAN at Cinapse today, with an interview with the writer/director coming next week.